Surat Thani air quality map

Live air pollution map of Surat Thani

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Unhealthy for sensitive groups
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1 Environment Agency Section 14


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Does the air quality map for Surat Thani indicate the current level of air pollution?

When the user first opens the air quality map for Surat Thani, they will see some coloured discs superimposed on top of each other. When the map is expanded, more details on the discs can be seen. The colour of the disc represents an air quality category, the colour of which is explained in the legend at the foot of the map. The paler the colour, the better the air quality.

On each disc, is written a number that represents the US AQI number calculated by that station. This number is the United States Air Quality number which is endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). It is used when comparing air quality in cities around the world by using standard methods of calculation. Pollutants are measured within the environs and then used to calculate this US AQI number.

Once a disc is selected, the user will be taken to a page dedicated to the conditions of that station and its environs. Additional information such as a brief weather guide, air temperature, humidity, air pressure and the wind speed and direction are also shown in more detail here. This information may help the user decide whether or not to travel to certain parts of the area.

What information can be collected from the air pollution map for Surat Thani?

Other information shown on the interactive air pollution map for Surat Thani is the location of the air monitors, the location of any wildfires which are burning in the vicinity, the air quality and the direction of the wind. This is very useful when studied in conjunction with the location of the wildfires. It will give a good indication as to which way the smoke from the fire might blow. At the start of the second quarter of 2022, there do not appear to be any fires burning in the vicinity of Surat Thani.

According to the main page for Surat Thani, the US AQI number was 74 which classified it as being of “Moderate” quality. The main pollutant of PM2.5 was measured as being 23µg/m³. This is over four and a half times the figure of 5 µg/m³ which is the limit recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

You will also find some brief advice as to what can be done to protect yourself against air pollution.

Other information garnered from the air pollution map for Surat Thani is a brief weather forecast, the temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction and air pressure. There is also a forecast for the forthcoming days which may help in decision making.

When the air pollution map for Surat Thani is viewed in full-screen, a chart can be seen on the right-hand side of the screen which ranks the world’s cities according to the air cleanliness. This makes it relatively easy to compare your home city with others throughout the world.

Does the air pollution map for Surat Thani show where the worst air quality is?

When viewed in full-screen mode, the discs separate and it can be seen which one shows the highest number. As previously stated, the higher the number, the worse quality air. These are the stations that have recorded the worst air quality.

Local residents may recognise these areas as the industrial zones where factories usually are responsible for the higher levels of pollution.

Sometimes the area over the city centre can be a darker colour because of the increase in traffic at certain times of the day i.e., rush hour.

There may be “pockets” of pollution in other places due to isolated production units or power plant.

What is the actual situation on the air pollution map in Surat Thani?

PM2.5 is generally thought to originate from traffic, industrial plants, burning of stubble in the open air, etc., along with the meteorological conditions that the high-pressure air from China extends to cover Thailand. It affects Bangkok and the surrounding districts with submerged weather conditions, closed air, calm winds, causing dust not to disperse and accumulate in the air.

It is generally considered that southern Thailand has much cleaner air than those provinces in the north. However, a local government officer said it was too soon to conclude that the whole southern region was free from air pollution as some areas had suffered from seasonal air pollution caused by haze from forest fires in peat and palm oil plantations in neighbouring countries as far away as Indonesia.

The government is preparing to introduce measures and guidelines to prevent and solve problems in the long term (2022 - 2024) by focusing on reducing emissions and reducing the number of sources, such as improving air pollution emission standards. All new cars will be required to meet EURO 6 standards, requiring the installation of Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) in diesel vehicles, and the prohibition of importing used engines to replace old engines in cars, developing a public transport service network to link all systems and area coverage, set industrial exhaust ventilation standards equivalent to EU and USA standards, designate owners/operators with open-air burning in the project area or occupied area is a crime, promote the use of electric cars , study the suitability of building/installing a large air purification tower and integrate air pollution research to drive policy levels.

PM2.5 is a measurement used often on the air pollution map of Surat Thani, but what is it?

PM 2.5 is the dust in the air with a very small particle size (smaller than 2.5 microns or micrometres), (PM stands for Particulate Matter). It has a very small size so we can't see it with the naked eye, but if this dust is very high in the air, it will look like fog or smoke.

Most of the causes are combustion from engine exhaust pipes, cigarette smoke, burning garbage, burning grass, burning fossil fuel used in factories, etc.

PM 2.5 dust can also combine with pollutants. such as hydrocarbons and heavy metals.

And because of its very small size, it can penetrate through the filter of the nasal hairs, into the trachea, and down to the alveoli and penetrate into the bloodstream. and cause negative effects on the body.

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Where is the cleanest air quality in Surat Thani?

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